Kane’s Kitchen

 Serves a hot meal to those in need each Wednesday at noon.

Mission Statement:

 Undertaken means and ways to feed less fortunate persons a nutritious

hot meal on Wednesday of each week


  • Committee formed and commenced the Meal Program distribution in September, 2002.

  •  The Meal Program is prepared & distributed in Campbell Hall,

  • Immaculate Conception Church, Truro, Nova Scotia.

  •  Approximately over 8,000 meals are served per annum.

  •  The numbers of attendees vary from week to week due to a variety of reasons, e.g. weather, social, etc.

  •  Approximately 146 volunteers participate in the program on an on going basis, i.e. Catholic & non Catholic denominations.

  •  The program annual budget is in the $10,000.00 range which is donated from the congregation as well as other sources from within the community.

  •  Meals served in July and August months are light meals verses hot dinners with deserts, etc. served during the remainder of the year.

  •  Clothing and other items are distributed when available.

For more information contact Yvonne Dempsey